Wednesday, June 28, 2006

thank you note

My fellow blog fans would have noticed that I deleted some posts... These posts were my emotional outbursts for the moment and they bring me unhappy memories whenever I read and re-read them. Hence, I've made a decision to delete them and keep my blog for happier things and things worth remembering.

Well, the posts that I deleted had well served it's purpose and I've received a thank you note from the girl to whom my posts were meant. I was surprised but glad that it was well-appreciated. In a way, I guess I did a good deed and deserves a pat on my back.


Nausicaa said...

I'm glad for you that this episode ended on a brighter note. I am glad the girl is bright enough too to know what's better for her. I hope that guy learns his lesson but unfortnately I'm not optimistic. Guys somehow never learn. :(

DK said...

Glad that u saved someone from an a$$hole.

Ainsley's mummy: Don't 1 bamboo knock down the whole boat of guys leh. There are still a few good man out there. :D

JerL said...

ainsley's mommy: I felt bad that things took a bad turn for their relationship but I guess he should have learnt his mistake. He has no choice but to eat the fruit for he was the one who planted the seed in the first place.

dk:For that comment, I have to give you credit for being a nice guy! Indeed, I'm sure ainsley's mommy will agree with me.

Nausicaa said...

hahah...guess I was asking for that reaction! ;p

Well, I think guys who stray tend to do it again and again...