Wednesday, July 05, 2006

fashion mistake

I can never understand those people who wear their pyjamas out on the streets. *Roll my eyes* Oh my goodness, that's not even a fashion faux pas, it's just considered plain rude to let people see your unkemptness. These people can't even keep their unkemptness within your private premises. Either that or they really seriously believe that they will win the Best Pyjamas Contest of the year by parading their 'best' pyjamas on the streets. Let me tell you: however pretty your pyjamas may seem, their status remain as pyjamas and they are only fit to be worn in your bedroom. By definition from, pyjamas are defined as something for wear in the dressing room and during sleep only. And that is it. Full-stop.

Oh, I hear some protests.... Someone bringing up a point on SlumberParty?

Good question. Thank you.

SlumberParty as you see the word party? People don't really wear their pyjamas to SumberParties mind you. Lolx. They will wear their sexiest and skimpiest piece of clothing with lots of laces and what-nots for the fun of the party! And yes, being invited to a SumberParty gives you all the right to wear your best pyjamas all right.

Yes, that means wear the appropriate attire as the occasion deems fit!


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