Why do I keep meeting jerks (and their female counterparts - b*tches) who are in the wrong and still want to turn around to accuse you? It is not my style to curse and swear. But damn, these people are everywhere. And I mean it. Don't believe me? Just turn around and you have one just right next to you. No? You will see his true colour when he/she farts. Just wait.
And you keep wondering how come this breed of disgusting people doesn't become extinct. Oh I almost forgot, since they exist in both sexes, I suppose they procreate with each other because they smell alike.
If you are waiting for these group of Smellies to apologize, you will be like an idiot waiting for the sun to rise from the same spot it set.
Ha! Ha! Seldom see Jerlyn in this mood.
"Oh Lord, give Jerlyn the peace with the things she cannot change, and courage with the things she can."
Thanks Ms Kam... Indeed, only the Word can give me peace. Amen.
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