Thursday, February 11, 2010

the hidden messages in water

Excerpt from "The True Power of Water" by Masaru Emoto ~

I was certain that the difference in ice-crystal formation was not solely due to the presence or absence of chlorine but ti the other information affecting it.

To test this, I put water into two glass bottles. On one bottle, I pasted a label typed "Thank you," and on the other, "You fool," in such a way that water would be able to "read" them. The water in both bottles was the same. I then froze the water in each bottle.

The results were more than supportive of my theory; the water in the bottle with "Thank you" formed beautiful hexagonal crystals, while the one with "You fool" had only fragments of crystals.

If water collects information and its crystals reflect those characteristics, it means that the quality of water changes based on the information it receives. In other words, the information we give to water changes its quality.

I was more motivated than ever to study water, and at the same time, I started to think about how people would be able to become happy with good water.

Water Understands Words

As this experiment convinced me that my theory was correct, we then began to give water various information, freeze it, and photograph the crystals. The results were very interesting.

We consistently found that water responded to positive words by forming beautiful crystals. As if it wanted to express its joyous feeling, the crystals opened up like a flower. In contrast, when water was shown negative words, it did not form crystals.

For example, when we showed water the word "happiness", it formed crystals with well-balanced shapes like beautifully cut diamonds. On the other hand, water exposed to the word "unhappiness" resulted in broken and unbalanced crystals. That water seemed to have tried hard to form crystals, but it exhausted its strength and crashed, happiness slipping away from it.

We continued to show a pair of opposite words to the same water: "well done" versus "no good", "like" versus "dislike", "power"versus "powerless", "angel" versus "devil" and "peace" versus "war". Water formed crystals only when it was shown positive words.

Interestingly, water responded to foreign words in a similar but not exact manner as it did to Japanese words. Water formed beautiful crystals to all the words expressing gratitude all over the world, such as "Thank you" (English), "多谢" (Chinese), merci (French), danke (German), grazie (Italian) and kamusamunida (Korean).

For more on this research, you can click here to

1 comment:

sp said...

This is interesting, never heard of it before. I must go and find out more.