Sunday, January 14, 2007

a new blog I stalk

Cynicisms of an Idealist by Ianfluenza (as Ian Liew humourously label himself) is a new blog I stalk. I stumbled upon this blog through Merv's recommendation as the Best New Weblog of 2007 Weblog awards.
If you are not interested in heavy and thought-provoking posts, then this blog is not for you. Personally, I prefer heavier readings with deep thoughts or afterthoughts instead of those that documents only what they have done for the day, where they have gone, who they have met, how many times they have gone to the loo, etc, and every posts look like every other posts and it gets boring after some time. I'm not interested in another person's life. I'm more interested in another person's mind - what the person thinks, the reflections, the thoughts, the inspirations.


Ianfluenza said...

Whoa... Thanks for the ego boost. Really appreciate that.

*runs around room naked*

JerL said...

Hi Ian! I write what I feel and I like what I read from your blog. Hey, don't fly to the sky, I see some wings growing on your bare back. And beware of peeps! lolx.