Saturday, March 17, 2007

emotional outburst

When one is down, the mind wanders. And wanders far. I guess that's what emotions are all about. I was really touched when a hug came to my weak body as I was unable to even move an inch from the seat. A true friend was a phone call away. And I found the true friend. She gladly lend her shoulders for me to whimper. The hug felt so good. I felt so small. Her perfume was a distinct contrast to the stank of martini from me, which she didn't mind at all.

She was a true friend.


There is a danger when you're really down that your emotions will rule over your mind, especially so after a booze. I was reminded.

I was glad for the ability to sleep. Sleeping revives the rational mind. Sleeping makes yesterday's troubles seem like a bad bad dream. I was glad the bad dream was over and I'm able to start the day afresh.

And today is the new day.


Anonymous said...

feel better *hugz* -hl

Whiskoffee said...


JerL said...

HuiLing: Thanks for the hug. Catch up soon gal!

Whiskoffee: =) (teacher says it's only courteous to smile back) Eh, no comments ah?