Wednesday, February 18, 2009

our future generation woes

I was having supper with a friend of mine last night. As we chatted, I was telling her that I visited my alma mater NTU recently because there was a company roadshow there and that they were able to close cases on the spot. So that sparks the discussion on undergraduates are actually quite well-off nowadays to be able to afford to buy investments and insurance plans while they are still studying. Contrary to when I was studying, I had to supplement my school fees by tuitioning young children.

She totally agreed with me and the next piece of information she shared with me was a total shock. She said those rich students actually offered her $200 for each project work. And that she earned about $800 just by completing 4 such projects of similar titles by just editing and rearranging the sequence of the reports.

Such is the kind of attitude we have in our undergraduates now?
What is happening to our younger generation?
Do they understand the meaning of integrity?

I don't really see any hope in our future generations.

Just last weekend, I visited one of my colleagues at her place. I was pleasantly surprised that her son was very well-behaved and greeted me with grace by addressing me as "Che Che", which means big sister. I praised my colleague for great upbringing. I was sharing with her that the new generation kids don't greet adults the way we do when we were young. Kids nowadays are too busy with their PSPs, Nintendo DS, what have you to even acknowledge the adults around them. I believed that parents are the ones that made the difference.

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