Sunday, February 08, 2009

the rainbow on Sunday

The past week has been an extraordinary self-discovery such that I dare to declare it as the turning point in my life. Attending the Basic Training from AsiaWorks has changed my life. Life will never be the same again.

Thanks to Cherlene who brought me to the guest event last year December. I remembered her exact words... "Trust me and just do it. It will be a rollercoaster ride from Wednesday to Saturday, but come Sunday, you will see the rainbow." I had no idea what she meant by that last year when I heard it, but now I do. Just because I have experienced it myself.

I would like to thank the trainer Ken Ito, all the staff, and all my fellow graduates of SB83 for being with me on that rollercoaster. It was well worth the ride and I know we will be there for one another through our life journey.

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