Sunday, October 18, 2009

story of 2 trees

There were 2 trees.

One tree, Strong, was in the middle of a cluster of similar trees, by a small river. Seasons come and go. It never faced the fiercest of storms nor the driest of drought. It is always sheltered by the trees around it from the winds and the storms. As it is near the small river, its roots never need to go deep or far for water. The roots of the fellow trees also help to stabilize it and keep it standing firm and straight. Its height did not increase for years as it is comfortably shielded by the trees beside it. Life is good.

Another tree, Weak, was planted near the edge of the forest, some distance away from this cluster of trees. Seasons come and go. It faced the fiercest of storms and constant strong north-east wind. In its initial years, it laments daily why it is planted at the wrong spot. There were times when it almost got uprooted. It is never easy with the wind blowing at you all the time. It did not have luxurious leaves or a beautiful crown like Strong. It laments its weakness compared to Strong.

One day, a strong earthquake struck. Many trees from the cluster were uprooted. Both Strong and Weak survived. Strong was protected by the trees around it. Weak was surprised it survived. Weak was the weakest of them all, so how did it survive?

Two days passed and another earthquake struck. Strong was badly shaken as there are no fellow trees around it this time. Its roots were too shallow to hold itself up during the earthquake and it was almost uprooted. Still, Weak remains as it is. Weak is even more surprised now.

Then the small river disappeared after the earthquake.

Strong started drying up very fast as its roots could not reach the deep water sources since its reliance had been the small river. It laments daily and tries to grow its roots deeper. Yet, the lack of water restraints its growth. Before long, it dried up completely.

Still, Weak continued growing and its crown got wider. Weak asked the Sun why. Sun told Weak: "Although you look weak from the surface, your roots have been growing deeper to tap the water sources and wider to support yourself from the storms and strong winds that struck you daily. Strong was too reliant on the small river and the cluster of trees around it, so it naturally did not have deep roots. Though you thought you were weak, yet, you are becoming stronger daily through fighting the storms and strong winds."

Author Unknown (Received this story from Lex via email.)


Whiskoffee said...

can i repost this? :)

JerL said...

Sure.. sorry for the late response. Just came back from Macau.