Friday, October 16, 2009

the agape love

The presence of the Holy Spirit was really strong during worship session. I felt God's love so strong and so intense that I wept uncontrollably. I was Jonas. Despite my constant running away, God never let go of me and loved me so deeply I just felt so so small. God reminded me of how I almost gave up when God led me to the new cell group and new church. God so loved me that he brought me to a place where my cell group leader was so spiritual and close to God that he knew by prayers that I was his sheep.

My cell leader felt impressed by the Lord to let us wash each others' feet. It was the most humbling experience for me. I felt so emotional as my leader washed my feet. I could imagine how Jesus' disciples felt when He washed their feet. I felt so broken inside. My heart wrenched in pain.

God's love is agape - unconditional. We can never outgive God. His love extends vastly beyond our imagination. I'm so small. I'm so undeserving.

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