Sunday, January 03, 2010

my lungs are falling out...

Sometimes I just wonder how many of my friends will find out if I disappear from the face of the earth.

Well I've been sick since new year eve and I missed the watch-night service because I was curling up in bed with a high temperature bundled up in my blankets but my sweat glands was not working at all. Instead of feeling hot, I felt cold. My freezing palm found its way to my warm forehead to keep warm. Groggily, I got up and went straight to rummage my fridge for some panadols. I gulped down a couple of the pills and went back to bed.

I thought I felt better on Saturday but come Sunday morning, I was down with fever again. Stubborn me refused to see a doctor for fear of the big pack of anti-biotics. So I randomly ate some panadols again. I was coughing so incessantly that I thought I better don't spread the germs around, which I'm afraid I already had. Somehow, I heard my mom coughing too. Pray that I don't spread any germs to her! Oh dear!

So far, sister Liling is the first one who discovered that I was sick. Then sister Eileen. And today brother Jason. One a day is not bad at all. Thank you all of you for thinking about me. I feel so loved. Please remember to pray for me. Thanks.


sonya said...

get well soon! Ill days early of the year somewhat is auspicious for all year..healthy! @_@b

mrdes said...

Hope you get well soon!

JerL said...

@sonya Thanks for your kind words!

@mrdes Thanks! So you're still reading my blog despite me not posting frequently.